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American Studies in Russia

American Studies in Russia
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200 Р
American Studies in Russia
Американистика в российских исследованиях
2018 г.
М.: Издательство «Весь Мир»
ISBN 978-5-7777-0762-8
120 с.

The year 2017 has been a challenge for the world powers, including the U.S., Canada and Russia. The continuing rearrangement of the U.S. administration and the ensuing problems, Trump’s confrontation with the Congress and his bold statements about possible trade wars with China, Mexico and Canada and a possibility of a military conflict with North Korea, a crisis in U.S. – Russian relations spiraling further down and growing tensions between U.S. and China, the spread of new technologies like AI and big data analysis with ambiguous consequences are among them. At the same time 2017 marked two anniversaries very important for our institute and for North America watchers in general – 150th anniversary of the Canadian statehood and 50 years since the Institute for the U.S. and Canadian Studies was founded.

Our researchers’ collective and individual efforts for the year resulted in several monographs and research papers aimed at informing the readers about current trends in political, military and economic sphere of U.S. and Canada, better understanding their economic and government systems, as well as providing thoughtful ideas with regard to how the experience of the two developed North American countries could be used to improve specific aspects of Russian politics and policies.

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American Studies in Russia
American Studies in Russia
American Studies in Russia
American Studies in Russia
American Studies in Russia
American Studies in Russia
American Studies in Russia
American Studies in Russia
American Studies in Russia
American Studies in Russia
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