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Summary - Диалог и столкновение цивилизаций

Диалог и столкновение цивилизаций
Бажанов Е.П., Бажанова Н.Е.
2013 г.
225 Р

This book includes selected studies, written in 2011–2012. Some of them are presented to the public for the first time while others have been already published in collective monographs or as articles and interviews in journals and newspapers.

In the first chapter — Trends in Global Development — the authors analyze basic laws governing behavior of major actors in the international arena, discuss the reconfiguration of global politics, suggest ways to strive for the new stable world order.

The second chapter — Russia — is devoted to various aspects of Russia’s foreign policy and internal problems in our country.

In the third chapter — USA — strong and weak points of America are scrutinized. Some aspects of the American way of life are also explained.

In the fourth chapter — The Asian-Pacific Region — the authors present the challenges facing Russia in this vast and important part of the globe, observe the phenomenon of the rise of contemporary China, as well as various features of Chinese civilization. Korea, India, Japan are other subjects of the chapter.

The fifth chapter — The Middle East and Africa — includes articles on the current disorder in the Arab world, achievements of Turkey, Russian interests in the Sub-Sahara African states.

The sixth chapter — Diplomacy — compares the role of this profession in the past and nowadays, underlines achievements of the Russian diplomacy through centuries. A special emphasis is made on the mission and achievements of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The final, seventh chapter — Culture and Daily life — touches upon civilizational peculiarities of various countries, ethnic groups, regions, their traditions in the field of government and social behavior, their perceptions of happiness, prosperity, native tongue etc.

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