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Foreword - Россия и Канада: экономика, политика, мультикультурализм

This book goes out in the jubilee year of the 50th anniversary of the famous Russian think-tank – the Institute for the US and Canadian Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISKRAN), and as the result of the 25 years activity of the Russian Association for Canadian Studies – a fully fledged member of the world network of Canadienists; and on the eve of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Canadian statehood. Therefore, this publication is a unique example of synergy between outstanding authors of different schools in Canadian Studies: practitioners and academic researchers – the Russians and Canadians from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Kazan and Chelyabinsk. The publishing of the present collection was initiated by the Director of the Institute for the US and Canadian Studies, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences Valery N. Garbuzov who, together with the Research Chair of the Institute Academician Sergey M. Rogov fully supported the event that brought together the leading researchers in Canadian Studies in Russia under the auspices of the Russian Association for Canadian Studies and its President Tatyana R. Kuzmina.

Canada is a fascinating example of the country which expands for a vast geographical space at the same time remaining virtually unknown in some aspects of its existence for a wide Russian audience. The book contains the most relevant information that can be interesting for those pursuing their careers in the field of Canadian Studies, as well as entrepreneurs with a focus on cooperation with Canada. The book is of a particular interest for those who engaged in international affairs, can refer to it in making important stately decisions.

The range of topics covered in the book spans both the political structure, the Canadian economics and multiculturalism. The opinion of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is of a special interest in connection with the Canadian realities and prospects of cooperation between our countries, particularly in the Arctic region. Despite the diminishing cooperation between our countries, the authors argue that the potential for cooperation is far from being exhausted. Nordicity and continentality of Russia and Canada make both countries similar. The Canadian experience of environmental conflicts management can be of a particular interest for Russian researches in the field.

Russian-Canadian relations after the 2015 elections are in the focus of many researchers and politicians today. Canada’s economics and an unrealised potential for cooperation between Russia and Canada in the business sector are also represented by alternative viewpoints in the book. The role of international trade in the development of Canada is essential, and the contemporary Russian-Canadian economic relations still offer some hope for further development. At the same time, expanding trade and investment ties between Canada and other countries, such as a growing economic power of China, may also lay an impact on Russian-Canadian relations. Contribution of Canadian municipalities to the national prosperity of Canada can give new ideas for the development of Russian regional economies.

Many of the Canadian peculiarities and characteristic features were formed historically at the crossroads of different cultures in the clash with modern technologies and global trends. Federal and regional immigration policy of Canada as the imperatives of economic and social adaptation of migrants, as well as the identity para- diplomacy of Quebec can be looked upon as prospective role models for changes in the Canadian policy of multiculturalism. The latter is of particular interest in the wake of world migration, specifically and Canada’s participation in the acceptance of refugees from the Middle East. Whether Canadian national identity will be able to survive in those conditions is the test for its multiculturalism policy. The look at Canadian multiculturalism through the prism of literature can help to understand the inner, hidden processes taking place in modern Canada.

Thus, the book represents a vital and essential representation of modern Canada, the origins of its economic stability, political perspectives and the formation of Canadian national identity in the middle of the second century of its independence.

T.R. Kuzmina

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