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The United States of America in 2018 (Overview)

This compendium is based on the results of the round table held at the Institute for the US and Canadian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (ISKRAN) on October 25, 2018. under the auspices of the Council of Young Scholars of ISKRAN. The organizers noted that the title of the event - “The United States of America in 2018” – was chosen rather successfully, because it allows to cover different aspects of US foreign and internal policy.

Therefore, a wide range of participants took part in the round table. The experts included postgraduates, graduate students and young researches of the ISKRAN, Institute of Europe, Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). The publishing of the present compendium was initiated by the Director of Institute for the US and Canadian Studies, Dr. Valery N. Garbuzov who fully supported the event that brought together young research fellows in US studies under the auspices of the Council of Young Scientists of ISKRAN and its Chairman Andrey S. Yevseenko.

The book contains the most relevant information that can be interesting for those pursuing their careers in the field of US Studies. The range of topics covered in the collection spans both the US internal and foreign policy. Authors highlighted the aggravation of already existing internal problems of America and their influence on the foreign policy of the United States. The articles consider the history of youth political organizations in the United States and their relationship with the Washington elite; the crisis of the American political system in the context of the deterioration of Russian-American relations; the complex influence of the immigration policy of the White House both on the economic situation in the United States and on US foreign relations.

The compendium also contains articles covering a wide range of problems in relations between Russia and United States. This topic is traditional for ISKRAN and can be interesting not only because of its relevance, but also for its practical significance. The articles show that the expectations of a fast stabilization in US-Russia relations with the beginning of the D. Trump presidency were not justified. Problems between Russia and the United States are too deep and contradictory. They cannot be solved only by an established constructive dialogue between the leaders of the two countries. However, this does not mean that Russia and America are determined to exist in a confrontational paradigm. Each work focused on possible ways to restore constructive relations between Moscow and Washington.

Other regional aspects of US foreign policy are very interesting because of their controversive nature in general and because of the uncertain nature of D. Trump’s foreign policy in particular. The authors tried not to be judgmental in their forecasts and emphasized the variability and inconsistency of the US foreign policy at present. The articles reflect the approaches of Donald Trump in addressing challenges traditional for the US foreign policy, such as the status of Jerusalem and the US-China rivalry. The authors also focused closely on new issues in the US foreign policy. The consequences of Brexit, the initiative to create a pan-European army, the influence of Trump’s immigration policy on US-Mexican relations are among them. However, despite all the non-systemic and non-typical methods of the 45th President of the United States in dealing with foreign policy issues, the authors emphasized the influence of strategic factors on the American foreign policy course in each region of the world.

Thus, the book represents a vital and essential analysis of modern United States, the current status of its political perspectives and foreign relations.

A.S. Yevseenko

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